Curation of Final_FINAL_v36
Collaborated with a small team to create Final_FINAL_v36, a culmination of 36 students’ design work. Acting as a representative for the Product Design track, I took on leading positions in project curation, exhibit design, build, and installation.
Final_FINAL_v36 was the CMU Design Class of 2020’s senior year showcase. Each year, the senior class is given the opportunity to display a selection of student work from the past 3.5 years. As a class, we are given full responsibility for work selection, branding/marketing, installation and curation.
Installed in the Miller ICA, the exhibit ran for two weeks. Working with four other seniors, we worked to develop a concept for the organization of our various different types of work. Ultimately, we chose to organize our show based off of moods and evoked emotion.
As a team, we developed these organizational concepts, selected the pieces to be shown, led planning and installation, and worked across all other groups to insure the class’s shared vision was met.
Photos courtesy of Jackie Chou